The Marketing & Strategy Expertise You Need

How Can We Help You?

Evaluation & Advice

On-Going Leadership

Management Continuity

Meet Our Principal

What Can We Do For You?

From concept to execution, PeakPoint has the skills needed to generate impact and results. 


  • Strategic planning
  • Business & marketing plans
  • Competitor analysis
  • Customer research & segmentation
  • Company capability assessment


  • Brand strategy
  • Architecture
  • Positioning & messaging
  • Product naming
  • Visual identity

Customer Acquisition

  • Go-To-Market (GTM) strategy
  • Campaign planning & execution
  • Demand & lead generation
  • Account Based Marketing (ABM)
  • Events & trade shows

Digital Marketing

  • Digital strategy
  • Persona & ICP development
  • Web & SEO
  • Email & social media
  • Advertising & SEM


  • Communications strategy
  • PR & media relations
  • Employee communications
  • Investor relations
  • Crisis communications

Content Marketing

  • Content strategy
  • White papers, blogs, email, social
  • Presentations
  • Podcasts
  • Webinars

Team Building

  • Mentoring
  • Organizational design
  • Screening & hiring
  • Staff development
  • Skills assessment 

Project Management

  • Planning
  • Tracking
  • Risk mitigation
  • Resourcing
  • Change management

What We Have Done

Our work spans a broad array of companies, industries, and technologies

Company Size


Martech Stack

Let’s Work Together!

Bringing together the right resources for the right task



Some projects can be handled by a single, broadly experienced person, others need a team of subject matter experts. PeakPoint Solutions maintains a Trusted Partner Network which we can draw on to meet specific client needs.

If you would like to join our Trusted Partner Network, please use “Contact Us” to introduce yourself. We look forward to meeting you!

Let’s Talk…

A conversation and a connection are always great starting points

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Our Latest Blog

  • 9 Steps to the Perfect New Product Name

    9 Steps to the Perfect New Product Name

    Often, a potential customer’s first impression of a new product is driven by that product’s name. It’s important to get that right. Over my career, I’ve developed names for multiple products, and even a company.  Sometimes the process went well; sometimes it did not! Based on these experiences I have developed a 9-step process that you can use to successfully pick and launch your next new product name. Read more